Karlup Ceramics Studio
Architect’s impression as viewed from Canning Highway

It all began with the discovery, in 2017, that the current Club work shed and kiln shed were located on the neighbouring lot and needed to be moved. This led to a long process of negotiation with the Melville City Council regarding what form a replacement facility should take. An enthusiastic and persistent working party led by Barrie-Anne Morgan lobbied local politicians, drafted plans, made a formal presentation to a full Council meeting and spent long hours in discussion with representatives of the Council who were assigned to the project. What began as a ‘like-for-like’ replacement of the old sheds has morphed into a state of the art facility that will serve the needs of the Club and act as a community arts and crafts hub for many years.
Construction began on September 22nd, 2021 with completion of the building and handover in September 2022.
Check out the City of Melville project page for information on the project and the architects portfolio of the finished product .
Turning the first sod - September 15 2021
It's happening - the Builder's fence is up - September 22 2021
Official event to mark the beginning of construction - Club President, Jenny Rygiel; Atwell Centre Manager, Brenda Ellen; City of Melville Mayor, George Gear
Official event to mark the beginning of construction - October 7
Even more progress - it's really taking shape!
Santa brought us a slab and some doorframes!!
Happy New Year - internal wall frames are ready for installation
The electrical wiring is going in - February 2
The roof is going on!!
April 2022 - We have a roof!!
Alcove where pottery wheels will be located
Expansive interior space
Broad verandah overlooking lawns and river
May 2022 - The walls are up and it's really taking shape!
June 2022 - windows are going in...
June 2022 - the interior fitout is almost finished with internal doors and wonderful easy-to-clean floor surface
Looking classy!
A successful busy-bee to move equipment into the new building - September 2022
The finished product October 2022
Moving in!
The architects and the CoM Project Manager at the official opening of Karlup
Smoking Ceremony by Neville Collard at official opening
Club President - Jenny Rygiel making her address, recalling the long history of the project that culminated in the realisation of the Karlup Ceramics Studio
City of Melville Deputy Mayor, Tomas Fitzgerald, doing the honours to officially open Karlup
Inaugural workshop - Cher Shackleton
Slip-casting workshop demonstration
Christmas Bazaar 2023
A hive of activity
Slip-casting demonstration workshop
Nerikomi workshop - Ronel Koen